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Harry Chen
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HY Chemicals (Kunshan) Co., Ltd.
Solution for Small Particles in Epoxy Flat Coating
Epoxy Topcoat Formula for 1000KGS
1、Epoxy resin (Nanya 128) | 350KG |
2、Active diluent 692 | 20KG |
3、Benzyl alcohol (BA) | 20KG |
4、Dispersant 110 (HY Chemical) | 5KG |
5、Defoamer 750s | 2KG |
6、Leveling agent 1484 | 3KG |
7、Anti-settling agent | 5KG |
8、1250 mesh talcum powder or calcium carbonate | 50KG |
9、1500 barium sulfate | 556KG |
10、Color paste (Laoan Chemical) | 80-100KG(medium gray/bright green) more self-leveling color paste |
1. First, put 1, 2, 3, and 4 into the disperser, rotate at 300-700 rpm for 10-20 minutes to effectively open the resin.
2. Then add 4, 5, 6, and 7 into the disperser, rotate at 1100-1300 rpm for 30-40 minutes.
3. Then add 8 and 9 into the disperser, rotate at 300-700 rpm. The speed is reduced to minimize bubble formation.
4. Finally, add 10 into the disperser.
5. Grind in a sand mill.
Mixing Paint (Flat Coating)
Topcoat | 4/5 |
Curing Agent | 1 |
Reasons for Small Particles in Epoxy Flat Coating
1. The ground is not clean.
2. Low epoxy resin content, leading to poor resin encapsulation of the powder.
3. Agglomeration of various powders, poor dispersant dispersing ability.
4. Color paste agglomeration, poor compatibility of color paste in polar systems, poor deflocculation ability.
5. Dispersant or diluent too strong, or due to the amount used, causing short hair roller to shed.
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